Mother-Daughter Scavenger Hunt


You can print this out, cut out the clues, or pull it up on your phone. There is no right or wrong way, but make sure the kids don’t see the answers.  Spend as much time as needed in each section to ensure they are comfortable with the options. The goal is to create a kit (clues 1-5) and take away the embarrassment they might feel about exploring and purchasing their period & puberty resources (clues 6-12).


 Greetings Hunters,

In this adventure, you'll need a parent or guardian along the way. It is not just for moms; dads are encouraged to participate in the day. So get ready for the Puberty Scavenger Hunt; in the end, you’ll have everything you need or the knowledge you want.


1)   You’ll need a pouch small in size,

to fill with supplies should your period take you by surprise.

If you don’t have one at home in a pile,

Take a look in the school supply or the makeup aisle.


Answer: Pencil Pouch


2)   Now it’s time to fill your pouch,

no need to stall or sit on the couch.

An extra pair in your kit might come in handy,

Brief or bikini; they’re all quite dandy.


Answer: Spare Underwear (&/or Period Underwear can be found online or at Target) -kit


3)   Super absorbent, flex or with wings,

Go find your preference among these things.

What are they made of, and how much do they hold?

Ask the adult what they have been told.


Answer: Sanitary Pads (kit)

Talking Point- Moms: What do you like and why?

Check out panty liners, too, if you decide not to get period underwear.


4)   Sometimes, cramps can get in the way,

of you enjoying a lovely day.

Find a pain reliever to keep in your kit

or a heating pad if you are able to relax or sit


Answers: Midol etc. (kit) 

Talking Points- If you don’t use pain relievers, talk about alternative solutions. 

Maybe make your own heating pad.


5)   Last for your kit is something fun,

Find a treat for your pouch that will survive the Texas sun.


Answer: a piece of candy or small treat (kit)

Talking Points- If you are a sugar-free family, think of something together that can fit in the kit that they can look forward to having. 

Also, it might be a good time to brainstorm how you all can honor their transition into adulthood (e.g., a special dinner together, a book of notes from amazing women in their lives, a special trip, a gathering of women and friends…).


6)   Plastic, Cardboard, or applicator free

It might take some time before you are ready for me.

I come in handy if you want to swim or play in the water

Once you start your period, practice using me before it gets hotter.


Answer: Tampons

Talking Points- you don’t need to buy these; look at the options together. If a Dad is there, ask what kind they have bought before. What do they know?


7)   In the same aisle, but often up high

You’ll find this earth-friendly alternative standing by.

Although it is something you can wash in the sink,

It’s not for the kitchen or a morning drink.


Answer: Menstrual Cups


Talking Points- Target usually has Menstrual cups, but if not, you can find them on Amazon. I have tried Lena, Saalt, Pixie & Organi Cups. They all work well. Some have more variety than others regarding size and colors.


8) One blade or four, thin head or fatter

sold to men or women, it really doesn’t matter

Check these out to see what you like,

Used for armpits or legs if you want your hair out of sight.


Answer: Razors

Talking Points- While you are talking about hair. Explore waxing strips for mustaches, facial razors or tweezers.  Remember, no bleaching.

Remind your child that shaving/ waxing/tweezing isn’t necessary for hygiene or function, just based on personal preference.


9) Some people use soap or conditioner, some nothing at all

Some like this cream, but be careful not to slip or fall.

Again, it doesn’t matter if it’s pink or blue

It’s really a preference; ask a parent what they do.


Answer: Shaving Cream

Talking Points- What is the cost difference? Do you have a scent or texture preference? 

10) No matter if you are running or just having a seat

You’re gonna need this, or you might smell worse than your feet

It goes under your arms,  not your knee pits

Check out the ingredients to see what best fits

Answer: Deodorant

Talking Points- What is in the deodorant? Are there ingredients you don’t know? What are they & what do they do?

11) Those tricky pimples can be no fun at all

But remember, no picking, or they can spread fast, y’all.

Some people like face washes, patches, or creams

You might want to check out all of these things.


Answer: Pimple Patches/Face wash/Acne Cream

Talking Points- Did you or anyone in your family experience acne? What were the solutions?


12) Last but not least, you can spend a lot of time in this nook

Sizing & trying or just taking a look

Wires, sports, crisscross, strapless and more

There are so many of these you will want to explore


Answer: Bras

Talking Points- Sizing, preferences, benefits, and drawbacks to all shapes and sizes.